Comments on: Scope and options tabled for delivery of Palace of Westminster restoration Civil engineering and construction news and jobs from New Civil Engineer Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:32:49 +0000 hourly 1 New Civil Engineer 125 75 Civil engineering and construction news and jobs from New Civil Engineer By: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:32:49 +0000 So the proposals are to decant the Houses of Commons and Lords for 11 and 17 years respectively. So a more a realistic esrtimate would be say 16 and 25 years. This is nonsense. Surely the better appricah is construct new buildings and to restore the existing premises as a museum. No costs are given but surely we talking about £2billion a year so, say £50 billion. This would also provide long term flood protection. News buildings would be a fantastic project for British Achitects and Contractors.
