
Innovation Showcase | Exeter University apprenticeships widen higher education options


University of Exeter is among the leading providers of degree apprenticeships.

Degree apprenticeships offer an innovative and cost-effective way of attracting, training and retaining high-calibre employees and graduates. They give employers the opportunity to diversify workforces and improve social mobility by offering a different route into, and progression through, their organisations. …

PiPcall develops new mobile telecoms system for remote construction sites


A large majority of construction companies state that integrated mobile technologies are of primary importance. Alongside the adoption of unified communication (UC) tools providing internet calling and incorporating functions like call recording, instant messaging and customer relationship management integration, there is an array of emerging mobile innovations. These mean that…

Water quality and data: a matter of trust


Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) design is becoming ever more complex. There is a growing awareness that we must look after our water quality more carefully, backed up by policies such as the Plan for Water, published last year. Where there are risks that surface water may carry pollutants, it must…

Why circular water management is the next step


It’s time to change how we think about water within housing developments, towns and cities, reversing our dependence on using water only once.

For too long, the linear model of ‘take, make, consume, and waste’ has dominated, with water abstracted from the natural environment, ‘made’ drinkable through treatment, used by humans…